Some people see white light as universal healing energy and others as the light of spirit. It has been used by healers for centuries. You can access white light by simply imagining sparkly light around a person or a situation or even yourself. White light is like what happened when Cinderella's fairy godmother touched the pumpkin with her magic wand. When you white light something, you are calling on positive energy.
Think of all the times you worry about things. When you worry, you are actually focusing on the negative energy of problems. And, you are tensing up. You are stressing yourself. When you white light something, you are infusing positive energy. You are bringing your attention and your intention toward a positive outcome.
Just this morning, I was worrying about someone when it dawned on me that I should apply my own advice and white light the person. Not two hours later, I received a call saying that the situation had been resolved in exactly the way I had hoped. Only, for the past several weeks, I had been worrying...sending out worry energy. Interestingly, the person first asked me if I had white lit him and I delightedly told him of my epiphany. Is this a coincidence? Some would say so. Only it happens so frequently that I cannot ascribe it to random occurrence.
I urge others to use white light. Anyone can do it. We are all very powerful. Go wait on line somewhere and notice how stressed people look. Then, pick out the one who looks particularly grouchy. Mentally ask the universe to surround the person in white light. You won't be speaking out loud; you just imagine the white light all around the person. Usually, within about 30 seconds, you will notice a change in the person's demeanor. Their facial features will have relaxed. Try it. Play with white light. And feel yourself lightening up.